
Visit to our friend Michael Kiessling

Saturday, May 18 we made a visit to our friend Michael Kiessling Pittenhart (Germany).

With friends Cedric and Loretta we left early in the morning, stopping in Bressanone to meet Roberto Siniscalchi, and then continue to our destination. Cross the Brenner Pass between snow-covered mountains we went down in the sweet German plain in a day of bright sunshine.

Once we had the pleasant surprise to meet our friend Erika from Verona who had the same idea: to visit the splendid greenhouse of Michael. We got lost between the pallets full of plants in perfect condition and very soon we raided specimens ...

We also had the good fortune to see many flowers both among Opunziacee that among other species. The friendliness of Michael both in explaining the various methods of cultivation in offering refreshments was, as always, rise to the occasion.

Now I look forward to our party on September 1st where he will give a lecture and lead his beautiful plants ....



Operation "Pantalone" 2013

Even this year, with a large group of people, we ended up Sottoselva of Palmanova (Friuli) for classic party of friends from Friuli, better known as "Operation "Pantalone".

I think there is no need to add more compliments to all the things done to brighten the day, as always everything was above expectations (precedents was already great). There has been asked to give a lecture: so we decided to show, for the first time, a summary of the journey of March 2011 between the U.S. and Mexico border and the journey of March, 2012 in Baja California.

Thanks again for the nice day and see you next year!

Photos are by This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Ps: Special thanks to Simone for his two photos of thanks post-conference

Ravenna 2013

During weekend of the 1-2 June there was an exhibition in Ravenna curated  by Emilia AIAS members entitled "Plants crested monstrous" in the museum of art.

In conjunction has been held also the 32nd National Assembly AIAS.

The exhibition was prepared by the members Emilia as always live up to expectations and the sellers have offered these splendid specimens to fans. Accomplice two beautiful days there was a big audience.

We were invited by Emilia's friends, to give a lecture in which we talked about our travels in the Argentine Andes in 2011-2012 in search of the succulent flora of those places ... really at the end of the world!

We thank our friends for the wonderful hospitality and a warm goodbye until next year.

Below you can see some photos of the event:


ULTIME NOTIZIE!! Ora è stata attivata anche la sezione dei filmati!

Vogliamo sottolineare che i filmati sono un montaggio di foto, musica e spezzoni di video.

Speriamo vi piacciano e vi aiutino a rivivere un po', assieme a noi, i nostri viaggi.

Per vederli cliccare qui

Villa Borghese, Roma

L'AIAS sezione Lazio ha organizzato all'interno della manifestazione "La conserva della neve" la festa del socio 2012.

Read more: Villa Borghese, Roma

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